was aware that his medical ailment would have caused him greater and more prolonged agony during the execution than if he were medically fit. 9. Kobedi was executed before the African Commission on Human and Peoples‟ Rights (hereinafter the African Commission or the Commission) could initiate an appeal for Provisional Measures. From the foregoing, the Complainants request the African Commission to: AC HP R 10. a. Hold that there has been a violation of Articles 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 of the African Charter by the Respondent State. b. Urge the Respondent State not to impose the death sentence on the victim and not to carry out the death sentence by the method of hanging. c. Adopt such further or other recommendations and procedures as to protect the victim‟s rights under the African Charter. Complaint 11. The Complainants alleges a violation of Article 2,3,4,5 and 7 of the African Charter. Procedure 12. The Communication was received at the Secretariat of the African Commission on 18 July 2003. 13. On 21 July 2003, the Secretariat of the African Commission wrote to the Complainants acknowledging receipt of the Communication and requesting information as to the veracity of the information received at the Secretariat of the 3

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