21. (1) Subject to sub-rule (4) of this Rule, all applicationsto the First Instance Division shall be by motion, which shall state the grounds of the application.(2) No motion shall be heard without notice to the parties affected by the application.Provided, however, that the First Instance Division, if satisfied that the delay caused by proceeding in the ordinary way would or might entail irreparable injustice, may hear the motion and make any ex parteorder upon such terms as to costs or otherwise, and subject to such undertaking, if any, as the Division deems just.Court vacationsHolidaysInterlocutory applications17 The East African Court of Justice Rules of Procedure 2013Service ofNotice ofMotionAffidavits in reply(3)Upon making an ex parteorder the First Instance Division shall set down the application for inter parteshearing within thirty (30) days of the ex parteorder. (4)A notice of motion shall be substantially in the ForthSchedule. (5)Every formal application to the First Instance Division shall be supported by one or more affidavits of the applicant or of some other person or persons having knowledge of the facts, in accordance with Form 3 of the Second Schedule. (6)An applicant may, with the leave of the First Instance Division or with the consent of the other party, lodge one or more supplementary affidavits. Application for such leave may be made informally. (7)The provisions of this rule shall not apply to—(a)applications made in the course of a hearing, which may be made informally; (b)applications made by consent of all parties, which may be made by letter.