ECW/CCJ/JUD/03/07 Moussa Léo Kéita v. Mali In the Community Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Holden at Bamako, Mali This, 22nd day of March 2007 Between Mr. Moussa Léo Kéita - Applicant And The State of Mali - Defendant Composition of the Court Hon. Justice Hanisne N. Donli - President Hon. Justice Awa Nana Daboya - Member Hon. Justice Dirarou S. Sidibe - Member Athanase Atannon, Esq. - Registrar Counsel to the Parties Maître Mamadou Konaté, Jurifis Consult - For the Applicant Mr. Moussa Kodio (Judge) Directorate General of the State Department for Disputes - For the Defendant Judgment 1. On 15 May 2006, Moussa Léo Kéita, a retired civil servant whose address is BP 757, Bamako Mali, filed an Application at the Court of Justice of ECOWAS. The Application was registered at the Registry of the Court on 12 July 2006. 2. This Application was accompanied by the following exhibits:  An extract from the 11 May 1969 issue of the Washington Post newspaper containing some specimens of artifacts belonging to the Applicant and an evaluation of the artifacts as done by James M. Silberman, valued at $65,960.  Certification No. 9/Dir.R/MN dated 24 November 1972, from the National Museum of Mali relating to the collection of artifacts in the custody of Moussa Léo Kéita.  A letter from Moussa Léo Kéita dated 4 September 1972, addressed to Mali's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation; another, dated 9 January 1978 addressed to the same Authority; and then that of 3 August 1989, for the same purposes. Through these letters, the Applicant sought to reclaim his collection of artifacts. 3. The Application as well as the exhibits accompanying it was served on the Secretariat of the Directorate General of the State Department for Disputes on 11 September 2006, by the Chambers of Diawoye Kanté Esq., a Court Bailiff at Bamako. 4. Through this Application, Moussa Léo Kéita set out his submissions that he was the owner of a collection of artifacts from his country, which he exhibited at the Embassy of Mali, to make Mali more known to the Americans at the time he was representing his country as Ambassador Extraordinary Plenipotentiary from 1965 to 1969. According to the Applicant, the collection contained 110 articles originating from all the regions of Mali. These artifacts were evaluated in 1965 at 65,960 US Dollars by an expert known as Silberman of the Smithsanian Institute, USA.

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