UNION AFRICAINE AFRICAN UNION �J-<,., .lb...a ""'jl African Commission on Human & Peoples' Rights UNlAO AFRICANA @ Commission Africaine des Droits de /'Homme & des Peuples 31 Bijilo Annex Layout, Kombo North District, Western Region,P. 0. Box 673, Banjul, TheGambia Tel: (220) 4410505/ 4410506; Fax: (220) 4410504 E-mail: au-baniulf"africa-union.orn· Web www.achpr.ora Communication 670/17 Fadhl Al Mawla H u s n i Ahmed Ismail and 1 9 Ors (represented by Freedom and Justice Party of Egypt) v Arab Republic of Egypt Adopted by the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights during the 65'1'0rdinary Session Banjul, The Gambia heldfrom 21 October to 10 N ovember 2019

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