UNION AFRICAINE AFRICAN UNION African Commission on Human& Peoples' Rights (®) UNIAO AFRICANA Commission Africaine des Droits de I'Homme & des Peuples 31 Bijilo Annex Layout, Kombo North District, Western Region,P. O. Box 673, Banjul, TheGambia Tel: (220) 4410505/4410506; Fax: (220) 4410504 E-mail: au-ban)ul(a)africa-union.orq; Web www.achpr.org Communication 341/2007 Equality Now and Ethiopian Women Lawyers Association (EWLA) v- Federal Republic of Ethiopia Adopted by the African Commission on Human andPeoples' Rights during the 19^ Extra-Ordinary Session, from 16 to25 February 2016 Banjul, The Gambia -3*? <%z£&. Hon. Commissioner Faith Pansy Tlakula Chairperson ofthe African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights j-uVi? Dr. Mary Maboreke Secretary to the African Afric Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights

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