CCPR UNITED NATIONS International covenant on civil and political rights Distr. RESTRICTED* CCPR/C/86/992/2001 24 April 2006 ENGLISH Original: FRENCH HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE Eighty-sixth session 13-31 March 2006 VIEWS Communication No. 992/2001 Submitted by: Louisa Bousroual (represented by counsel) Alleged victim: Salah Saker State party: Algeria Date of communication: 9 February 2000 (date of initial letter - received by the Secretariat on 20 October 2000) Document references: Special Rapporteur’s rule 97 decision, transmitted to the State party on 20 July 2001 (not issued in document form) Date of adoption of Views: 30 March 2006 Subject matter: Disappearances, incommunicado detention, trial in absentia Procedural issues: None * Made public by decision of the Human Rights Committee. GE.06-41470 (E) 160606 220606

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