AFRICAN UNION UNION AFRICAINE �J�I .l'-s"'"1! African Conunission on Human & Peoples' Rights ® 31 Bijila Annex l.Byaut, Kombo North District, UNIAO AFRICANA Commission Africaine des Drofts de /'Hamme & des Peuples Western Region,P. 0. Box 673, Banjul, TheGambia Tel: (220) 4410505/ 4410506; Fax: (220) 4410504 E-mail: au-banjul®africa-union.a�· Web www.achprnrg Communication 569/15 Digbeejaye Koonjul v The Republic of Mauritius .Adopted by the .A frican Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights during the 6,4tll Ordinary Session from 14"' .April to 14"' May 1019 Shani El-Sheikh, .A.rob Republic o fEgypt

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