- Each Member State shall in the shortest possible time also make a contribution for the take-off and implementation of the programmes contained in this Article; - A percentage of the Community levy shall be allocated for the establishment of a fund for the implementation of the activities outlined in this Article; 4. A policy to promote women's education at all levels and in all fields of training shall be adopted and implemented in each Member State and at the level of ECOWAS. 5. Member States shall guarantee women equal rights with men in the field of education and in particular, shall ensure the same conditions for career and vocational guidance, access to the same curricula, access to opportunities to benefit from scholarships and other study grants. They shall also ensure the elimination of stereotyped concepts of roles of men and women at all levels and in all forms of education. Article 31 : 1. The culture of every group of people in each Member State shall be respected and developed. 2. The Executive Secretary shall take the necessary measures to organise, within the sub-region, periodic inter-state cultural events: festivals of arts and culture, symposia, various cultural events on literature, music, arts, and sports. 3. Member States undertake to take measures to eliminate or prevent religious conflicts and to promote religious tolerance and harmony. To this end, permanent structures for consultations among the different religions on the one hand and between the different religions and the State on the other hand, shall be established at national levels. 4. The Executive Secretary shall take the necessary measures to promote, through periodic meetings, consultations among the religious organisations of Member States. SECTION VII: RULE OF LAW, HUMAN RIGHTS AND GOOD GOVERNANCE Article 32 : Member States agree that good governance and press freedom are essential for preserving social Justice, preventing conflict, guaranteeing political stability and peace and for strengthening democracy. Article 33 : 1. Member States recognise that the rule of law involves not only the promulgation of good laws that are in conformity with the provisions on human rights, but also a good judicial system, a good system of administration, and good management of the State apparatus. 2. They are also convinced that a system that guarantees the smooth running of the State and its administrative and judicial services, contributes to the consolidation of the rule of law. Article 34 : 1. Member States and the Executive Secretariat shall endeavour to adopt at national and regional levels, practical modalities for the enforcement of the rule of law, human rights, justice and good governance. 2. Member States shall ensure accountability, professionalism, transparency and expertise in the public and private sectors. Article 35 : 1. Member States shall establish independent national institutions to promote and protect human rights. 2. The Executive Secretariat shall take measures to strengthen their capacities. The institutions shall be organised into a regional network. Within the framework of this network, each national institution shall systematically submit to the Executive Secretariat, any report on human rights violations observed on its territory. Such reports and reactions of governments shall be widely disseminated through the most appropriate means. Article 36 : Member States shall institutionalise a national mediation system. Article 37 : 1. Each Member State shall work towards ensuring pluralism of the information sector and the development of the media. 9

Select target paragraph3