Rule 51Interim Measures1. Pursuant to article 27(2) of the Protocol, the Court may, at the request ofa party, the Commission or on its own accord, prescribe to the parties anyinterim measure which it deems necessary to adopt in the interest of theparties or of justice.2. In case of extreme urgency, the President may convene an extraordinarysession of the Court to decide on measures to be taken. He/she may, in thisregard, and by all reliable means, enlist the views of the Members notpresent.3.The Court shall duly notify the parties to the case, the Commission, theAssembly, the Executive Council and the African Union Commission of theaforesaid interim measures.4. In the Annual Report submitted by the Court to the Assembly pursuantto article 31 of the Protocol, the Court shall disclose the interim measures itordered during the period under review. In the event of non-compliance withthese measures by the State 32concerned, the Court shall make all suchrecommendations as it deems appropriate.5. The Court may invite the parties to provide it with information on anyissue relating to implementation of the interim measures adopted by it