AFRICAN UNION UNION AFRICAINE UNlAO AFRICANA ..},lJ�' .l6.J'""1' African Commission on Human & Peoples' R.ighlS Commission Africaine des Drofts de /'Homme & des Peup/es � 31 Biji/o Annex Layout, Kombo North District, Western Region,P. 0. Box 673, Ban)ll, TheGambia Tel: (220) 4410505/ 4410506; Fax: (220) 4410504 E-mail: au-baniul""africa-<1nion.o-· Web www.achprorg Communication 705/18 Emil Touray and Saikou .Jammeh (represented by IHRDA and Sagar .Jahateh) v The Republic of The Gambia Adopted by the A frican Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights during the 646' Ordinary Session from 24'1' April to 14'1' May2019 Shami El-Sheikh, Arab Republic o fEgypt ll."'�"'��ikt)p€ O 4-'"oc.'ilEn.R,A.1 � • tT o,) $ � o,,..f J� t, ,.. ............................. n..:--.... of the African Commission '-"U8&&.1"411UU on Human llld Peoples' Righ1B ':: . �..,..,.,,..,,'*-�£ l �ME · Sectetary 1he African Commission on E't r ; f C. "3 - -- Human and Peoples' Righ1B

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