Delivers the following Judgment: 1- SUBJECT MATTER OF THE PROCEEDINGS: The Plaintiffs who are Liberian Citizens were charged before the first judicial Court Circuit Criminal Assizes B, Monrovia, Republic of Liberia for murder of their ward, one Ms Meideh Togba, who was found hanging in one of the bathroom of their home. There were three independent autopsy reports on the cause of death. The first report which was in favour of the Plaintiffs, attributed the cause of death to asphyxia secondary to suicide and hanging, respectively. The second report titled “Review of Post Mortem conducted on the deceased Ms Meideh Togba by the fifth Defendant, an agent of the 2nd Defendant, at the request of the 1st Defendant, contradicted the first report and revealed that body parts of the deceased including vaginal wall, components, trachea and bronchial airways were missing and concluded that the deceased was sexually molested and strangled. The Plaintiffs being dissatisfied with the review Report engaged the services of three medical Doctors from the Nebraska Institute of Forensic Science to conduct yet another independent examination as to the cause of death. The Plaintiffs were tried convicted of the offence and sentenced to death, on the strength of the review autopsy which the Court curiously admitted in preference to the two others. 2

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