(j No. 10 DAR ES SALAMI CRESCENT, COi\lMUNITY COURT OF JUSTICE, ECOWAS OFF AMINU KANO CRESCENT, WUSE II, ABUJA-NIGERIA, 'OUR DE JUSTICE DE LA COMMUNAUTE, CEDEAO PMB 567 GARKJ, ABUJA TEUFAX:234-9-5241595/ 5240780 TRIBUNAL DE JUSTIC,:A DA COl\fiJNIDADE, CEDEAO Website: www.eccj.11et IN THE COMMUNITY COURT OF JUSTICE OF THE ECONOMIC COMMUNITY OF WEST AFRICAN STATES (ECOWAS) HOLDEN AT BAMAKO, MALI This, 22nd day of March 2007 Suit No. ECW/CCJ/APP/05/06 Judgment No. ECW/CCJ/APP/03/07 Behveen Mr. Moussa Leo Kena Applicant And Tiie State of Mali Defendant COMPOSITION OF THE COURT Hon. Justice Hanisne N. DONLI Hon. Justice Awa Nana DABOYA Hon. Justice Dirarou S. SIDIBE President Member Member Athanase ATANNON, Esq. Registrar Counsel to the Parties MaiYre Mamadou Konate, Jurifis Consult Mr. Moussa Kodio (Judge) Directorate General of the State Department for Disputes For the Applicant For the Defendant I Downloaded from worldcourts.com. Use is subject to terms and conditions. See worldcourts.com/terms.htm

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