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4 shown of 4 entities
001/2012 Frank David Omary and others v. United Republic of Tanzania - Separate Opinion - Fatsah OUGUERGOUZ
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- Type of Document
- Separate Opinion
- Keywords
- Freedom from Discrimination
- Police Brutality and Offences
- Right to Work
- Torture and Ill Treatment
- Workers' Rights
- Country
- Tanzania
- Country Geolocation
- Tanzania: 6° 22′ 9″ S, 34° 53′ 20″ E
- Date added
- Nov 28, 2017
AfCHPR Decision
001/2012 Frank David Omary & Others v. United Republic of Tanzania - Ruling
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- Type of Document
- Ruling
- Keywords
- Freedom from Discrimination
- Police Brutality and Offences
- Right to Work
- Torture and Ill Treatment
- Workers' Rights
- Country
- Tanzania
- Country Geolocation
- Tanzania: 6° 22′ 9″ S, 34° 53′ 20″ E
- Date added
- Nov 28, 2017
AfCHPR Decision
001/2012 Frank David Omary and others v. United Republic of Tanzania - Order
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- Type of Document
- Order
- Keywords
- Freedom from Discrimination
- Police Brutality and Offences
- Right to Work
- Torture and Ill Treatment
- Workers' Rights
- Country
- Tanzania
- Country Geolocation
- Tanzania: 6° 22′ 9″ S, 34° 53′ 20″ E
- Date added
- Nov 28, 2017
AfCHPR Decision
001/2012 Frank David Omary and others v United Republic of Tanzania - Review of Judgment
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- Type of Document
- Judgement
- Revised Judgement
- Keywords
- Freedom from Discrimination
- Police Brutality and Offences
- Review
- Revision of Judgment
- Right to Work
- Torture and Ill Treatment
- Workers' Rights
- Country
- Tanzania
- Country Geolocation
- Tanzania: 6° 22′ 9″ S, 34° 53′ 20″ E
- Date added
- Nov 28, 2017
AfCHPR Decision
4 shown of 4 entities