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12 shown of 12 entities
001/2005 - Michelo Hunsungule and Others (on behalf of Children in Northern Uganda) v. Uganda
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- Type of Document
- Decision
- Keywords
- Best Interest of the Child
- Child Abuse/Exploitation
- Economic, Social and Cultural Development
- Education
- Insurrection
- Militia operations / Armed conflicts
- Right to Health
- Rights and Welfare of the Child
- Transitional Justice
- Violations Resulting from Warfare and Military Operations
- State Accused
- Uganda
- Outcome
- Decided on Merits
- Year Decided
- Apr 19, 2013
- Rights Violated (ACRWC Provisions)
- ACRWC 1.1: States recognize rights, freedoms and duties in the Charter and take steps to adopt implementation measures
- ACRWC 22: Armed Conflicts
ACERWC Decision
001/2012 - Center for Human Rights (University of Pretoria) and Rencontre Africaine pour la Défense des Droits de l'Homme v Senegal
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- Type of Document
- Decision
- Keywords
- Best Interest of the Child
- Child Abuse/Exploitation
- Economic, Social and Cultural Development
- Harmful Traditional Practices
- Right to Education
- Right to Health
- Slavery and Human Trafficking
- State Accused
- Senegal
- Outcome
- Decided on Merits
- Year Decided
- Apr 15, 2014
- Rights Violated (ACRWC Provisions)
- ACRWC 11: Education
- ACRWC 14: Health and Health Services
- ACRWC 15: Child Labour
- ACRWC 16: Protection against child abuse and torture
- ACRWC 21: Protection against Harmful Social and Cultural Practices
- ACRWC 29: Sale, trafficking and abduction
- ACRWC 4: In all actions concerning the child undertaken by any person or authority the best interests of the child shall be the primary consideration
- ACRWC 5: Survival and Development
ACERWC Decision
001/2015 - African Centre of Justice and Peace Studies (ACJPS) and People’s Legal Aid Centre (PLACE) v. Sudan
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- Type of Document
- Decision
- Keywords
- Best Interest of the Child
- Citizenship/Nationality and Related Rights
- Domestic/National Laws
- Inadequate/Inappropriate Legal Provisions
- Protection of Family and Vulnerable Groups
- Right to be Heard before a Competent Court
- Right to Dignity
- Rights and Welfare of the Child
- Statelessness
- State Accused
- Sudan
- Outcome
- Decided on Merits
- Year Decided
- May 31, 2018
- Rights Violated (ACRWC Provisions)
- ACRWC 11: Education
- ACRWC 3: Every child is entitled to enjoyment of rights and freedoms in irrespective of race, ethnic group, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national and social origin, fortune, birth or other status
- ACRWC 4: In all actions concerning the child undertaken by any person or authority the best interests of the child shall be the primary consideration
- ACRWC 6.3: Every child has the right to acquire a nationality
ACERWC Decision
001/2016 - Dalia Lotfy (on behalf Ahmed Bassiouny) v Egypt
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- Type of Document
- Decision
- Keywords
- Arbitrary Arrest and Detention
- Best Interest of the Child
- Rights and Welfare of the Child
- State Accused
- Egypt
- Outcome
- Ruled Inadmissible
- Year Decided
- May 31, 2017
ACERWC Decision
001/2019 – Legal and Human Rights Centre and Centre for Reproductive Rights (on behalf of Tanzanian girls) v. Tanzania
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- Type of Document
- Decision
- Keywords
- Best Interest of the Child
- Child Marriage
- Cruel and Degrading Treatment
- Equality
- Equality Before the Law
- Right to Education
- Right to Health
- Rights and Welfare of the Child
- Sexual and Gender Based Violence
- Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights
- State Accused
- Tanzania
- Outcome
- Decided on Merits
- Year Decided
- Apr 1, 2022
- Rights Violated (ACRWC Provisions)
- ACRWC 1: Obligation of States Parties
- ACRWC 10: Prohibition to subject child to arbitrary or unlawful interference with his privacy, family home or correspondence, or to attacks upon his honour or reputation, provided that parents or legal guardians have the right to exercise reasonable supervision over the conduct of their children
- ACRWC 11: Education
- ACRWC 14: Health and Health Services
- ACRWC 16: Protection against child abuse and torture
- ACRWC 21: Protection against Harmful Social and Cultural Practices
- ACRWC 3: Every child is entitled to enjoyment of rights and freedoms in irrespective of race, ethnic group, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national and social origin, fortune, birth or other status
- ACRWC 4: In all actions concerning the child undertaken by any person or authority the best interests of the child shall be the primary consideration
ACERWC Decision
001/2020 – APDF & IHRDA (on behalf of AS) v. Mali
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- Type of Document
- Decision
- Keywords
- Best Interest of the Child
- Child Abuse/Exploitation
- Freedom from Discrimination
- Rape
- Rights and Welfare of the Child
- Torture and Ill Treatment
- Women's Rights
- State Accused
- Mali
- Outcome
- Decided on Merits
- Year Decided
- Dec 1, 2022
- Rights Violated (ACRWC Provisions)
- ACRWC 1: Obligation of States Parties
- ACRWC 16: Protection against child abuse and torture
- ACRWC 3: Every child is entitled to enjoyment of rights and freedoms in irrespective of race, ethnic group, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national and social origin, fortune, birth or other status
- ACRWC 4: In all actions concerning the child undertaken by any person or authority the best interests of the child shall be the primary consideration
ACERWC Decision
002/2009 IHRDA (on behalf of Children of Nubian Descent) v. Kenya
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- Type of Document
- Decision
- Keywords
- Actio popularis
- Best Interest of the Child
- Citizenship/Nationality and Related Rights
- Economic, Social and Cultural Development
- Freedom from Discrimination
- Rights and Welfare of the Child
- Rights of Minority Communities
- Statelessness
- State Accused
- Kenya
- Outcome
- Decided on Merits
- Year Decided
- Mar 22, 2011
- Rights Violated (ACRWC Provisions)
- ACRWC 6: Name and Nationality
- ACRWC 6.1: Every child shall have the right from his birth to a name
ACERWC Decision
002/2015 - IHRDA & Finders Group Initiative on behalf of TFA (a minor) v. Cameroon
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- Type of Document
- Decision
- Keywords
- Rape
- Rights and Welfare of the Child
- Women's Rights
- State Accused
- Cameroon
- Outcome
- Decided on Merits
- Year Decided
- May 6, 2018
- Rights Violated (ACRWC Provisions)
- ACRWC 1.1: States recognize rights, freedoms and duties in the Charter and take steps to adopt implementation measures
- ACRWC 1.2: No Charter provision to precede more conducive domestic laws for child rights and welfare
- ACRWC 1.3: Discouraging custom, tradition, cultural or religious practice inconsistent with Charter provisions
- ACRWC 16: Protection against child abuse and torture
- ACRWC 16.1: Protecting child from torture, inhuman or degrading treatment
- ACRWC 16.2: Establishing special monitoring units for child abuse and support to children
- ACRWC 3: Every child is entitled to enjoyment of rights and freedoms in irrespective of race, ethnic group, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national and social origin, fortune, birth or other status
ACERWC Decision
002/2016 - Dalia Lotfy (on behalf Sohaib Emad) v Egypt
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- Type of Document
- Ruling
- Keywords
- Arbitrary Arrest and Detention
- Best Interest of the Child
- Cruel and Degrading Treatment
- Rights and Welfare of the Child
- State Accused
- Egypt
- Outcome
- Ruled Inadmissible
- Year Decided
- May 31, 2017
ACERWC Decision
002/2020 - Ramphele Attorneys on behalf of Thlodi Tloubatla and Thibedi Tloubatla v. South Africa
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- Type of Document
- Ruling
- Keywords
- Best Interest of the Child
- Rights and Welfare of the Child
- State Accused
- South Africa
- Outcome
- Ruled Inadmissible
- Year Decided
- Mar 20, 2021
ACERWC Decision
003/2015 - Minority Rights Group International & SOS-Esclaves (on behalf Said Ould Salem & Yarg Ould Salem) v Mauritania
- Preview
- Type of Document
- Decision
- Keywords
- Best Interest of the Child
- Child Abuse/Exploitation
- Education
- Freedom from Discrimination
- Implementation of Decisions
- Right to Dignity
- Right to Education
- Rights and Welfare of the Child
- Slavery and Human Trafficking
- State Accused
- Mauritania
- Outcome
- Decided on Merits
- Year Decided
- Dec 15, 2017
- Rights Violated (ACRWC Provisions)
- ACRWC 1: Obligation of States Parties
- ACRWC 11: Education
- ACRWC 12: Leisure, Recreation and Cultural Activities
- ACRWC 15: Child Labour
- ACRWC 16: Protection against child abuse and torture
- ACRWC 21: Protection against Harmful Social and Cultural Practices
- ACRWC 3: Every child is entitled to enjoyment of rights and freedoms in irrespective of race, ethnic group, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national and social origin, fortune, birth or other status
- ACRWC 4: In all actions concerning the child undertaken by any person or authority the best interests of the child shall be the primary consideration
- ACRWC 5: Survival and Development
ACERWC Decision
003/2016 - Etoungou Nko’o on behalf of Mr and Mrs. Elogo Menye and Rev Daniel Ezo’o Ayo V. the Government of Cameroon.
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- Type of Document
- Ruling
- Keywords
- Right to Life
- State Accused
- Cameroon
- Outcome
- Ruled Inadmissible
ACERWC Decision
12 shown of 12 entities