017 2015 – Kennedy Gihana and Others v. Republic of Rwanda (Order on Continuance of Proceedings)
- Preview
- Type of Document
- Order on Continuance of Proceedings
- Keywords
- Freedom of Movement
- Participation in Government
- Personal Liberty
- Right to Family
- Right to Nationality and Nationality Rights
- Right to Work
- Country
- Rwanda
- Rights Violated
- ACHPR 12:2: Right to leave any country including his own, and to return to his country
- ACHPR 13.1: Right to participate freely in government
- Country Geolocation
- Rwanda: 1° 56′ 25″ S, 29° 52′ 26″ E
- Date adopted
- هذه الخاصية غير متوفرة
AfCHPR Ruling
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